Adult Stem Cell Therapy Blog

From American Heart Association Meeting: Study shows stem cells help heart after attack

Monday, November 14, 2005 - Stem Cell Guru

Results of a 204 patient study presented at the annual American Heart Association meeting in Dallas show that infusing adult stem cells into the heart is effective. Chaophya hospital in Thailand is perfoming a similar treatment (off-trial) for all qualified, no-option, coronary artery disease patients. However, they are using a superior stem cell harvesting technique developed by TheraVitae that uses only a small amount of the patient's own blood and does not require a bone marrow extraction. See: VesCell - Stem Cell Therapy For Heart Disease

PRESS RELEASE: Sunday, November 13, 2005

DALLAS, Texas (Reuters) -- Heart attack survivors whose hearts were infused with stem cells from their own bone marrow showed nearly twice the improvement in the organ's pumping ability as patients given a placebo, according to a study presented Sunday.



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