Adult Stem Cell Therapy Blog

Test results help convince one skeptic

Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Stem Cell Guru

Usually this blog a mix of news of developments in the adult stem cell field news from Theravitae interspersed with feedback from our patients.

Regular readers will have noticed that recently, it's been centrered more on patient feedback, simply because our patients are contacting us with news that deserves to be passed on to anyone considering VesCell therapy.

VesCell therapy is still an experimental treatment and many doctors are understandably skeptical when it comes to any new treatments especially those involving new technologies. A patient saying he feels better isn't good enough. Doctors want to see results which are measurable by accepted, medical tests.

With this in mind, it was good to recieve this account of a patient's visit to his cardiologist recently:

We are pleased with Dale’s results, the cardiologist insisted on running a Nuclear test on him yesterday as his final.

Now we all know Dr X. is not an enthusiast of cell therapy. But when the tests were all done yesterday he told Dale “You are definitely much better than you were.”

One again we are in your debt forever and Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to you and TheraVitae.


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